What's on this week (20 February 2023)

Just a few things to take note of for this week at the dojo.

First we will be doing full grading preparation for Jujutsu on Tuesday, so I would strongly urge those that are looking to take the early opportunity to grade to make sure that you are there tomorrow and ready with any questions regarding gaps in what you know with respect to the grading requirements.

Second, I will not be in town this weekend as I am heading to Townsville in support of the North East Queensland regional grading for Kendo and Iaido. Training on Saturday is scheduled to be relatively normal but please keep an eye on our chat groups just in case Sean or Brady are not able to take class.

Third, if you are free on Wednesday at lunchtime, the Club will be trying to drum up some more membership a the Club Muster, which will be held in the CBRC from 12–2 pm. Bob W from Go and Magda from Kendo have already stuck their hands up to say they will be there in support. However, it would be great if more of you can make it for even a brief amount of time to meet and greet.

Hope to catch up with everyone this week!
